Thousands of engineers, scientists and technicians use LabVIEW to create robust measurement
and automation solutions.
While WiNRADiO receivers already present a formidable user interface together with sophisticated
development tools such as XRS and Radio Basic, it may be advantageous
to develop various measurement applications using LabVIEW, in particular where integration
with other LabVIEW applications is desired, or where LabVIEW is the established tool of choice.
WiNRADiO now supports LabVIEW thanks to a long-time WiNRADiO user, André Koelewijn of the Netherlands,
who kindly contributed these pages to the ever-increasing WiNRADiO knowledge base.
To use WiNRADiO receivers with LabVIEW, you can take advantage of the supplied LabVIEW drivers and
a functioning application example with a summary
of available WiNRADiO-related LabVIEW functions.