To install, first download and copy all the WiNRADiO LabVIEW drivers
into the LavView/user.lib directory.
The location of the LabVIEW directory differs depending on the installation.
If you don't know the location, you may use Windows search function to find it.
The most common locations are:
c:/program files/LabView/user.lib
c:/program files/National Instruments/LabView/user.lib
In the user.lib directory, make a new directory called winradio, so you will get:
Copy all the driver vi's into this directory. Start LabView, and click the right mouse button in the displayed diagram.
This will get you to the user library ("books on the shelf" icon).
Use the supplied as an example. Observe how the
and the are used. Always exit using the Exit button, otherwise the hradio handle
will not be released for the next application.
The supplied vi's are made using LabVIEW 5.1 and tested using a WR-1550e receiver.
The vi's make use of the wrapi32.dll which needs to be present on your computer (normally, it will be installed
in the course of the standard installation of the WiNRADiO application software supplied with a WiNRADiO receiver).
To use WiNRADiO receivers with LabVIEW, you can take advantage of the supplied LabVIEW drivers and
a functioning application example with a summary
of available WiNRADiO-related LabVIEW functions.
Author: André Koelewijn, the Netherlands